
On this page, I will post the tasks/homework that needs to be completed and the deadline for each individual.  I will also write the date that it has been set just to avoid any confusion, remember to check this page each day at regular intervals, unless you have been told what needs doing by either the Director or Producer.

9th March

Team - practice drawing the character design, to get familiar with the form.

Beth - Draw thumbnail sketches, showing the key frames for each scene

Alannah - Go through your sound production notes and begin finding the appropriate sounds, we also need to start thinking about the voice acting.

Manjit - Layout designs, I need to see various designs, nearing a finalised state by tomorrow.

1st March

Louis - Finalise script and refine your characer designs further.

Johnny - Character designs

Alannah - Character designs and find some resources for sounds

Felix - Finish remaining scene animatics

Beth - Reserarch the type of animation style we would like, ie Flintstones etc and begin making a test animation for one of the scenes.

Manjit - Begin designing backgrounds for the scenes

20th February 2011

Team - When you have posted your storyboards, come up with some character designs using the guidelines given, which are:  A simple 2-dimensional design, he has to be a young adult 20-30, average looking (maybe stubble) it has to have a 1950's look to it, like the reference material that we have looked at.  Some of it is on the blog also.

Felix - Put together some animatics for tomorrow, you won't be pressured to do all of them but a couple will suffice.

19th February 2011

Team - Everyone email their storyboards to Felix tonight, or post them on the blog

Felix - With the storboards that you have received from people, including your own, begin to make animatics for Monday.

17th February 2011

Team - Everyone must get at least one storyboard completed for tomorrow, or more if you can. These storyboards must then be given to Louis to give thoughts on and we will give them to Felix so that he can produce the animatics over the weekend.

Due Date: 18th February 2011

16th February 2011

Louis, Johnny and Alannah - Create a storyboard for each of the ideas chosen by Louis.

Due Date: 17/2/11 (Tomorrow)

Felix and Manjit - Generate some ideas for the animation, like we all discussed today in a group to present to Louis tomorrow.

Due Date: 17/2/11 (Tomorrow)