Alannah: I took up the part of doing Sound Production So I have look at the script at Louis as provided and suggested some sounds for parts of the script.
audio voice acting by alannahb
Johnny, Louis and I went to sound room and Johnny play around with some voices for the animation and then I asked two of my friends as I thought there could fit the job for the type of animation our group is doing.
Louis, Felix,Johnny and I took a look at the scipt and wrote some ideas down for the sounds that we could use in our animation.
Sounds: Typical informercial music when says whats his doing
INT. CITY SIDEWALK: Person walking, surprise sound,
cars going by, loud music, people talking Art Gallery: background of people talking classical music ( dance of the hours), footsteps
Once at the The paper clip the sound of it can go ahhhhhhh and glows Sports : Rugby : a herd of people or animals running
Football: before the football comes in you can hear a ball being kick, Cricket : sound that felix used already
Hockey: before it happens blowing whistle sound , whoosh sound of the hockey stick ,
Slapping or clapping sound for the wack
People laughing
music stoping because of his dancing
Ending : old fashion music ( when you done something )
The Club:
The different type of music i was thinking of was just simple club music (Hip Hop, Dubstep or any type club music)
This Song that i provided on the blog is the song i need air-Magnetic Man. The way the lights go on and off to see different people dancing and then you see the people nodding their heads to the music.
Another type of music i thought of was Alternative rock music
Dancing movement there is a few ideas that i came up with:
the first music video i thought of was (The offspring- Pretty Fly for a white Guy) at 1:56 he dancing really funny and the other poeple look at him to think that he doing somthing wrong.
another music video that Felix thought crispin glover dance in friday the 13th which i think it will funny for people to watch for the way is been dancing.
Sports reference that our director Louis came up with the cricket part
Different websites for some of the sounds that have been brought up in the script for the group to use on our animation
SOunds websites