Thursday, 17 February 2011


   Goes to the seaside (in a mini), expecting a nice sandy beach but finds builders working and lots of seagulls but manages to enjoy fish and chips before being pecked, robbed and pooed on by the seagulls. Goes back to his car to find it covered in droppings and feathers.  

 Goes to the seaside in his mini, finds a nice spot on beach (sun is shining and seagulls in the background) as soon as he has finished applying sun lotion it rains...he runs back to the car where its covered in poo and feathers!

2.       Visits London, travelling on the red bus.  The character goes upstairs and finds himself sitting in a cloud of smoke from young people getting high on weed.  He tries to go down suddenly the bus stops and he tumbles down the stairs possibly rolling onto the street.

3.       Goes to play polo but falls off/gets knocked off his horse and gets trampled on

4.       Boxing day hunts...character is walking through the woods while the narrator is telling him about the hunts...they hear a rumble getting closer...closer...BAM! The character gets bombarded by the hounds! Awwww.

5.       Drinking a cup of tea whilst watching a cricket match and gets hit by the ball. Or a flying bat.

Manjit Matharu

1 comment:

  1. Nice ideas Manjit, I will pick no.1, no.2 and no.5. When the visuals are up we can analyze them further to see if they work well enough.
