Wednesday 2 March 2011


Hey everyone!

just to let you know that I made a brief calculation of how much work we would have to complete approximately if we were to start animating on Monday. If we stick to this plan we will finish the animation just in time for easter holidays :D it's manageable team, so don't get disheartened :)

Lewis estimated the animation to be around 1.20, this equates to 2000 frames, that means 2000 frames to draw and colour in 37 days (quite daunting at the moment but when we divide the work . . . . . . you will feel alot better!) 

We will have to draw and colour 54 frames a day - if we split the animating beween 2 people, that will mean 27 drawings each.  Then, we can have two others in the team colouring as the frames are produced.

What do you think?

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